We’re Improving the Oral Health of the Nation With Quality Research
Access to oral health care is a growing concern. Despite efforts to improve the oral health of the nation’s population, oral health disparities persist. These disparities are characterized by compromised oral health status, particularly among certain vulnerable populations.

An available, competent, and well-distributed workforce is required to assure access to needed oral health services.
One of the factors believed to influence access to oral health services and contribute to these disparities is the availability of a workforce equipped to meet the need for preventive and basic restorative oral health services.
Our Mission:
To Assist in Future Health Workforce Planning
Our Method:
To Provide Research on the Oral Health Workforce
A Partnership in Oral Health
OHWRC was formed as a partnership between the Center for Health Workforce Studies and the Healthforce Center at the University of California, San Francisco. Since 2014, our work has been funded through a cooperative agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in the US Department of Health and Human Services. In September of 2022, cooperative agreement funding was renewed for an additional 5 years.