As Senior Program Manager, Dr. Martiniano is the lead on a number of CHWS projects dealing with federal shortage designations and the healthcare workforce, including the Center’s Health Careers website, the annual report on New York’s healthcare workforce, the New York State Health Workforce Planning Data Guide, the development of profession-specific surveys, and data analysis on various healthcare professions, including understanding Medicaid access and utilization. He also is the lead evaluator on many Center projects, using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research design methods.
Dr. Martiniano has an extensive background in health workforce research and program management, including 11 years at the New York State Department of Health. He has worked with a number of different communities, agencies and membership organizations on developing community health assessments, identifying provider and workforce shortages based on the healthcare delivery system and the health of the population, and understanding the impact of new models of care on the healthcare workforce–including the development of emerging workforce titles.